Swiss Alps 100

Fiesch , Switzerland 08 - Aug 10
Alle unsere Distanzen sind majestätisch, herausfordernd und liegen alle im Oberwallis im Süden der Schweiz. Wir bieten alle 7 km bis 10 km auf jeder Entfernung eine voll ausgestattete Verpflegungsposten. Wir haben Rennshirts, 160-km-Sub-24-Antik-Silber- und Sub-48-Antik Belt Buckles, Vertikal-, 50km- und 100km-Finisher-Medaillen, Auszeichnungen für den ersten Platz und die Altersgruppe sowie eine Läufermahlzeit nach dem Rennen. Sign up for the Challenge - Run it for the Beauty.

Choose the distance

08 Aug 2025

Do you have the GPX data?

If you are the organizer of the race, or you just ran the course already and you have the GPX file, we would really appreciate that you take the time to update our database.

Swiss Alps 100 - Find your perfect running pace 61.6 mi

Curious what pace you need for each section of the course to reach your target time based on the elevation profile of the race? Try our pace calculator and discover different scenarios to optimize your Swiss Alps 100 race tactics.
Calculated running time 08:15:29
0 km
22 m
4.33 min/km
1 km
102 m
5.12 min/km
2 km
83 m
4.47 min/km
3 km
11 m
4.23 min/km
4 km
26 m
4.32 min/km

FAQ - Swiss Alps 100 61.6 mi

Renn innerhalb des UNESCO-Welterbes entlang idyllischer Dörfer, vorbei an malerischen Seen, über zwei Hängebrücken und erhalte auf der 100KM langen Strecke den atemberaubendsten Blick auf die Schweizer Alpen. Über diese 100KM kannst du das grüne Tal, den Blick auf die schneebedeckten Alpen und die Berge geniessen bis zum Ziel mit deiner wunderschönen 9cm Medaille.

Swiss Alps 100 takes place between 08 Aug 2025 and 10 Aug 2025

Swiss Alps 100 takes place in Fiesch, Switzerland

Swiss Alps 100: There are a total of 6 courses

The shortest distance available is 0.6 km, and the longest on is 98.2 km

Although there is no general rule for the minimum preparation time, we recommend at least 12 weeks of training for a race like Swiss Alps 100

If you want to prepare for Swiss Alps 100, running.COACH offers dynamic training plans tailored to the requirements. Whether you're training for distance, speed or endurance, we have customized plans to help you reach your full potential on race day.
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Train for 61.6 mi of Swiss Alps 100

Swiss Alps 100 - Prepare yourself optimally for your race with running.COACH! Our training plans, supported by artificial intelligence, dynamically adapt to your progress and help you achieve your target time. Whether you're aiming for a personal best or planning a successful finish, structured workouts, precise feedback and intelligent adjustments will keep you motivated and well prepared. Become part of a community that will get you to the finish line stronger than ever before!
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