Patagonian International Marathon

Torres del Paine , Chile 6. 9月
In the year 2012, Patagonian International Marathon® became the first marathon to take place in Torres del Paine National Park. Since that first edition, the event has occurred each year in the month of September, either inside the park or within its surroundings. The only interruption was in 2020 due to the pandemic. Since its origin, the event has brought together runners from more than 65 countries, converging together in the extreme south of Patagonia to fulfill the dream of running in one of the most pristine locations on the planet. It is the most multinational marathon in Southern Chilean Patagonia. The base city is Puerto Natales, located 250 km to the north of Punta Arenas, the capital of the region. Geographically, the event takes place in the extreme south of the American continent, at 51° south latitude, in a privileged location of Western Patagonia, located to the east of the Great Southern Ice Field and in the surroundings of Torres del Paine National Park. The classic race distances are 42km (marathon), 21km (half-marathon) and 10km, although some editions have included an ultra-marathon distance. The magic of running in the heart of Patagonia, alongside runners from all over the world, and the adventure of facing a relentless, and at times even hostile, climate are essential elements of Patagonian International Marathon®.
3 Läufer*innen 从 running.COACH

Wähle die Distanz

26.4 mi 42K

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Patagonian International Marathon - Finde dein perfektes Lauftempo 26.4 mi

Neugierig, welches Tempo du für jeden Streckenabschnitt benötigst, um basierend auf dem Höhenprofil des Rennens deine Zielzeit zu erreichen? Probiere unseren Pace-Rechner aus und entdecke verschiedene Szenarien, um deine Patagonian International Marathon-Renntaktik gezielt zu optimieren.
Berechnete Laufzeit 03:32:02
0 km
22 m
4.33 min/km
1 km
102 m
5.12 min/km
2 km
83 m
4.47 min/km
3 km
11 m
4.23 min/km
4 km
26 m
4.32 min/km

FAQ - Patagonian International Marathon 26.4 mi

The event will take place within Torres del Paine National Park, utilizing its vehicular gravel routes, which are characterized by various curves and steep slopes. The race distances are 42K, 21K and 10K. The entire route presents you with breathtaking scenery, with the best views towards the principal mountains of the park: Cerro Paine Grande, Cuernos del Paine, Cerro Almirante Nieto and Torres del Paine. The shared finish line for all distances is located a few meters from the Welcome Center at Reserva Las Torres.

Patagonian International Marathon wird am 06. 9月 2025 durchgeführt

Patagonian International Marathon findet in Torres del Paine, Chile statt

Patagonian International Marathon: Es gibt insgesamt 3 Strecken

Die kürzeste Strecke misst 6.2 km, und die längste 26.4 km

Obwohl es keine allgemeingültige Regel für die minimale Vorbereitungszeit gibt, empfehlen wir mindestens 12 Wochen Training für ein Rennen wie Patagonian International Marathon

Wenn du dich auf Patagonian International Marathon vorbereiten möchtest, bietet running.COACH dynamische Trainingspläne, die auf die Anforderungen abgestimmt sind. Egal ob du auf Distanz, Geschwindigkeit oder Ausdauer trainierst, wir haben massgeschneiderte Pläne, die dir helfen, am Renntag dein volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen.
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Trainieren für 26.4 mi of Patagonian International Marathon

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Was Läufer*innen über uns sagen?

Patagonian International Marathon - Trete der Community von 3 running.COACH Mitglieder*innen bei, die am Event teilnehmen
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