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Tokyo Marathon

03. mar 2024

Tokyo, JP

Sito web

Tutte le competizioni: 1







Il numero totale di utenti running.COACH: 24

Tokyo Marathon (東京マラソン) is the largest marathon race in all of Asia, and without doubt the land of the rising sun, Japan, is one of the most marathon crazy nations in the world. The event has about 30,000 places for the marathon, for which almost 300,000 people apply, with final selections based on a lottery. The event is a relatively new entrant in marathon circle, with the first edition happening not too far back in 2007. The weather in also great in Feb in Japan, with a mean of 7 degrees C, ideal for a good run. This event is part of the Marathon Majors Series.

Tokyo Marathon

03. mar 2024


131ft Salita

180ft Discesa

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Utenti running.COACH: 21
  • Martin Hess